japanese expatriates in england câu
japanese expatriates
Initially, most students at this Centre were the children of Japanese expatriates.Ban đầu, hầu hết học sinh tại Trung tâm này là con củ...

Club with highest % of expatriates: Celtic (84 per cent).CLB sử dụng nhiều cầu thủ nước ngoài nhất: Celtic (84%) The Ministry of Expat...

Nobody goes to England without my official permission.Không ai được rời Anh Quốc mà không được ta cho phép. These represent the old fa...

american expatriates
Last year, nearly 1,800 American expatriates renounced their citizenship.Chỉ riêng nửa đầu năm nay, khoảng hơn 1.800 công dân Mỹ đã từ ...

british expatriates
British expatriates and vacationers outside the UK and where they are supported:Người nước ngoài và khách du lịch người Anh bên ngoài V...

canadian expatriates
However, Griffith notes that temporary residents, such as corporate transferees and international students, as well as Canadian expatri...

chinese expatriates
In July, he helped open a temple in Botswana for Chinese expatriates.Vào tháng bảy, thầy đã giúp mở một ngôi chùa ở Botswana cho người ...

expatriates in brazil
Swiss expatriates in BrazilNgười Thụy Sĩ gốc Brasil Expatriates wishing to work in Brazil should find a job prior to their departure a...

expatriates in china
According to one consultant, 85% of expatriates in China leave because their families do not like living there.Theo một nhà tư vấn, 85%...

expatriates in laos
Expatriates in Laos probably have the best information; the more upscale hotels can be good resources, as well.Người nước ngoài tại Lào...

expatriates in lebanon
English expatriates in LebanonEnglish Translators ở Lebanon

italian expatriates
During the 1950’s, most American espresso drinkers were working-class Italian expatriates living in cities like Boston, New York, and S...

portuguese expatriates
Most of the passengers on the flight were Canadians visiting Europe and Portuguese expatriates returning to visit family in Portugal.[2...

vietnamese expatriates
Over 160 young Vietnamese expatriates to attend 2015 Vietnam Summer CampHơn 160 thanh thiếu niên kiều bào về dự Trại hè Việt Nam 2015 ...

But he definitely didn't get killed by the JapaneseNhưng tuyệt đối anh ta không chết trong tay người Nhật Everyone's collaborating. Th...

expatriates in saudi arabia
There are quite a few jobs for expatriates in Saudi Arabia.Có một vài công việc cho người nước ngoài ở Saudi Arabia.

1600s in england
Boys and girls in the 1600s in England and New England wore gowns (dresses) until they were about seven years old.Những cô bé và cậu bé...

1970s in england
"If you look at the 1960s and 1970s in England, even when I arrived at Arsenal in 1996, every club had strikers, and I mean strikers: [...

1974 in england
Kate Moss was born in 1974 in England.Kate Moss sinh năm 1974 ở London.

1990s in england
Trip hop is a music genre consisting of downtempo electronic music which originated in the early 1990s in England, especially Bristol.T...

1998 in england
Corporal punishment became illegal in British state schools in 1986, but remained legal in private schools until 1998 in England and Wa...

2000s in england
2000s in England •2000 tại Anh Quốc

2003 in england
Eloise Webb was born on September 3, 2003 in England.Diễn viên nữ Eloise Webb sinh ngày 9-3-2003 tại Nước Anh.

2016 in england
An analysis in 2016 in England found that the Singaporean approach boosted results, though it was somewhat watered down in transition.M...

a visit to england
In 1977, Ajahn Sumedho accompanied Ajahn Chah on a visit to England.Năm 1977, Ajahn Sumedho cùng Ajahn Chah đi thăm nước Anh. Visit Eng...